The raids were carried out in 60 cities in western Germany and in Berlin. Documents and files were seized and communications equipment, machetes, tasers, knives and knuckle dusters were confiscated, but police made no arrests.
The group’s young men in long robes and bushy beards have been handing out German copies of the Quran for several years, and are a common sight in downtown and shopping areas across Germany.
German Interior Minister Thomas de Maiziere said that more than 140 youths had traveled to Syria and Iraq to join radical Islamic fighters after having participated in the group’s campaigns in Germany.
“The translations of the Quran are being distributed along with messages of hatred and unconstitutional ideologies,” de Maiziere told reporters in Berlin. “Teenagers are being radicalized with conspiracy theories.”
In the meantime, Germans are continuing to cast their vote in German elections for the right party against Muslim immigration. Crime by Muslims has spiked in the past year, and a new study showed that only 13% of the Muslims who arrived in the past year are working at a job with the majority of the rest on welfare or supporting themselves by crime.