In the last few weeks a beautiful story was traveling around until it got to us. We know that this is something heartwarming to share, so enjoy and feel your heart warm up with pride for The Jewish Nation.
A 402 bus was on its way to Bnei Brak before Shabbat. But there was major traffic and the clock was moving faster than the traffic.
The Bus driver, a man that wasn’t wearing a kippa called his wife and said: “I will not make it home to Rishon Letzion for Shabbat, I will need to make Shabbat in Bnei Brak.” The wife on the phone was upset with what she heard and asked: “What do you mean you’re not coming? Shabbat is all prepared and I cooked and cleaned and you’re not coming?” The driver apologized to his wife, finished the conversation and continued driving, not knowing what to do.
A young Haredi man on his way to Bnei Brak was sitting in the front seat. He asked the driver; “Do you have a microphone?” The driver said yes and the young man asked to make an announcement. The young man told the passengers: “Precious Jews, our bus driver has a problem. He won’t make it back home on time for Shabbat so I ask if you all agree to get off at the first stop in Bnei Brak to help him out?”
All the passengers agreed but the driver said: “Thank you all very much but it won’t help anyway. Even if you all get off at the first stop I still won’t make it back to Rishon before Shabbat.”
At this point one of the passengers went over to the driver and made him an offer he couldn’t refuse. “I live right near the first bus stop. Come to my house, park your bus and take my car to get to Rishon on time for Shabbat.”
And that’s what happened. Everyione got off at the first stop in Bnei Brak, the driver parked his bus on the narrow street where the passenger lived, and took the passengers car offered to him and made it home on time for Shabbat in Rishon Letzion. The parked bus on the narrow street became a conversation piece and very quickly the story behind the parked bus and the Kiddush Hashem(Sanctifying G-d’s name) became known very quickly (even without the benefit of media) from word of mouth over that Shabbat.